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One Stop for All

·        Fabrication Works·        Machine Shop·        Oil Field Supply

As We Provide Our Customers best of product and services in gievn period of time.

Basic Information :

Al-Hayyantech for industrial services is a well reputed organization in the Fabrication, Machine Shop, Haudrlic maintanince and supply and Oil field Supplies.

 Since our Introduction into the Kingdom's massive industrial & Oil field services sector, we have been a major force with a comprehensive range of services, offering high quality and cost effective solutions.

 We are proud of our prompt service, delivering quality and safe products to our clients.

Our Establishment in the industry :

We were established around 20 years back by our respectfull chairman Mr. Mohammed Mohsin Al-Hayyan,

We specialized in Steel Fabrication, Machine shop Works, Haudralic maintance and supply as well as Oil Field Supplies.

Throughout our history we have built our reputation of having a modern and clean facility, Where our well trained staff can assist and guide you from the design stage to your final product.

 We pride ourselves in our ability to communicate with our clients and becoming a partner to achieve their solutions.




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